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Company Profile

Skywin Technology Co., Ltd  has long been focusing on providing electronic components distribution, program development, components declaration and quality and convenient logistics services.At present, tiansheng has introduced AOS, SUMIDA, jianghai, qijun and other product lines, and has accumulated rich experience in agency services while forming large-scale benefits.Therefore, tiansheng can help customers to complete the BOM one-stop service with higher efficiency, and provide a series of supply chain solutions such as electronic components emergency search and excess sluggish material inventory digestion in real time.

Adhering to the business philosophy of win-win cooperation, tiansheng has established independent and powerful branches and warehouses in shenzhen, Hong Kong, xi 'an and other places.Through perfect operation management and systematic logistics support, skywin has facilitated good and close cooperation with global top 500 enterprises such as midea, gree, Siemens and Emerson.In addition, tiansheng has launched forward-looking design and development programs for customers in high-tech fields, such as unmanned aerial vehicles, smart home and intelligent security.

While providing customs clearance and logistics services for components, skywin can accurately grasp the demand differences of domestic large and medium-sized customers, European and American brand products and agents, and provide various domestic electronic product enterprises with customs clearance, logistics and warehousing services with their own characteristics.Based on continuous efforts to meet customer needs, skywin provides customers and suppliers with more high-quality choices and convenient channels.

At present, tiansheng has established its own solution company through acquisition and integration. In order to meet the current market demand, the company is committed to the development of brushless dc motor control board, stepping motor control board, smart home control board and other products with core competitiveness.In the electrical machinery, unmanned aerial vehicles, smart home and other fields to provide customers with a very competitive hardware solutions and widely acclaimed in the industry, to develop a broader customer network and market resources.


Skywin will always adhere to the core of enterprise culture of integrity management, adhere to quality and efficient logistics services;Stable regular supply channels;Professional and reliable market analysis and technical support;Constantly optimize the supply chain for cooperative enterprises, reduce costs, and provide strong support for maintaining normal and orderly production activities.

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