careers Company Welfare

Company Welfare


- We provide competitive salary in this industry. Income will be determined and adjusted in light of your performance, in order to make sure excellent employees are adequately encouraged and awarded.

- FIVE working days per week.

- We will help you with social insurance according to state regulations.


- In national holidays and traditional festivals you will get bonus and gifts.

- Each department has funds for social activities and physical exercise.

- Each year we organize tours and annual meetings, in which you will have a chance to win a lottery.

- In addition to statutory public holidays, marriage leave, maternity leave, etc., you can enjoy 3 to 12 days of paid leave annually, provided you have been a full-time employee in Skywin for one year.

We are committed to making our employees enjoy life of best quality among their peers. Skywin Technology welcomes those who are gifted and confident, and wish to work in the electronic industry and enhance the living standards through their own efforts. We will be more than glad to provide you with such a platform!

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